SEPS providing Community Safety Warden Patrol in Basildon | News

SEPS providing Community Safety Warden Patrol in Basildon

We are pleased to announce we are working in partnership with Basildon Council providing a Community Safety Warden Patrol service tackling anti-social behaviour across the Borough including estates, town centres, and parks.

We have vast experience of working in the South Essex area, alongside the people that live and work here. Our dedicated team have a track record of making positive differences to communities, where residents can reclaim the open spaces, to be used for positive experiences.

As Beverley Gallacher, Director of SEPS explains:

‘We are excited to be working in partnership with Basildon Council, to improve the safety of areas ensuring they are safe and enjoyable places to visit, shop, live and work. We have a proven track record in improving the quality of life for all members of the community and will work with partner agencies to support, improve and build upon existing community links.

‘We will continue to promote community cohesion and work in partnership with Basildon Council, using intelligence to achieve meaningful participation, develop personal wellbeing as well as increase the awareness and participation of crime prevention initiatives

‘The SEPS team will undertake duties including issuing verbal and written warnings and Fixed Penalty Notices where needed.

‘In partnership with Basildon Council and Essex Police, SEPS will take the appropriate action to ensure the communities within Basildon are a place that everyone feels safe, welcome, and are positive about the future. We aspire to ensure residents have a sense of pride about where they live, feel part of the community and build on the participation of positive safe spaces.

‘We are excited to commence this partnership agreement to ensure the communities of Basildon remain safe by reducing crime and anti social behaviour.”


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