Customer Care and Call Centre Services

Customer care Customer Care Image

We ensure we meet the expected outcomes required by our clients through responsiveness, efficiency and economy mindset. We ensure communication with our partners is consistent, effective and always maintain regular contact. We regularly monitor performance of our services to ensure it meets the expectations of both South Essex Property Services' and our clients’ standards.

  • Latest technology that is based on evidence and document building
  • Consistent and regular feedback with our clients
  • Regular training for our staff

Out of Hours 

We provide an Out of Hours (OOH) Call Handling Service for Council Call Centres, switchboards, Civic Offices and satellite offices when they are closed.  This telephone response service is provided on behalf of tenants and residents of our clients council.  The service is available 365 days per year and is provided to  respond to emergency calls.

Call Monitoring Services

We also provide call monitoring services and have a fully operational call centre. We provide the customer services for South Essex Homes within our Customer Service Centre. Our team provide the best possible customer service and respond to enquiries quickly, accurately and reliably. We provide a single point of contact for all customers to report any repairs to their properties or communal areas and monitor and report on avoidable contacts to identify areas of service improvement.